Edwin Starr once pleaded in a song: “War, what is it good for?” I second the motion in saying: “Absolutely nothing!” However, in my early youth, I dreamed of having different nations unifying forces for one common goal. Outside the school walls my mind drifted, I would fantasize of an alien invasion threatening our planet Earth and freedom. During such strike, we would be glued to the television to applaud the Americans, Europeans, Africans, Asians, First Nations, etc. joining hands to combat the oppressors just like in the 1996 film Independence Day, but this time it would be real.
Looking backing at those fatuous daydreams, I would have been further ahead in life if had followed more intensively in Math class. Maybe now, I could have been president. Furthermore, even if a war of the world against Aliens would have materialized and won, the human species would have later gone back to killing and hating one another. For example, World War I and II was fought and won, are we more united then before? Why not is the question. What would it require for us to finally achieve world peace? Was Kaney West not in his right mind to utter: “... And most of all we are at war with ourselves”. Could this be the reason we can’t stay united? Are we our own worst real enemy”.
If you don’t know me by now, take a look and you’ll soon see that I am a lover not a fighter. And if I was president for only one day, I would break convention to bring everlasting peace on Earth. I would use my position and power to call upon the CIA, FBI, KGB, and all the ABC’s of the world’s intelligence to amalgamate now. With an urgent order from my red phone, I would demand to bring forth in less then 12 hours the culprit preventing us to world harmony.
6 hours after my urgent phone call, you would then find me in a secret location on the Island of St. Martin. As I stand holding seven top secret files, I would walk to face seven evildoers. “State your number and your name” I would ask in disgust.
“One, my name is Wrath”
“Two, Envy”
“Call me Gluttony, guess I’m number three”
“I’m four, Sloth is my name”
“Lucky five, you’re with Lust, baby!”
“Howdy partner, six, and the name is Greed”
“Number one, take a good look, too handsome to waste time here. Number two my name ain’t Pride. Aight!”
Looking back and forth at their faces, I knew I was in the presence of amateurs. With great disappointment, I threw the files on the ground and shouted: “Bring me their leader, I want to see “Insecurity”. Now!
... To be continued.
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