Sunday, February 10, 2013

The (L) Word

Dedicated to Belle

True story to awake the living in Mr. Ray
A young fisherman's tale by the jazzy bay
As clear as water in a glass on a Sunday
Ever had the urge to kneel and pray?
It was '93 with Azalea blooming in May
Two caged birds sang in the light of day
During breakfast, Jesus appeared to say:
"Who-do-you-think-you-are anyway?
Your sermons won't make them sway
Shut your mouth, let the adults play
Suck a (L)ollipop, get a (L)ife, or get (L)aid
Get a brain scarecrow and move far away
Keep stepping in people's personal way
With impotence I'll be sure to make you pay."

PS: We give up! Jimmy and I wave the white flag.

-- Louis Mercier

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