Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Dear Mr. X,

Dear Mr. X,

A man shot seven eggs in a crowd, didn't blink
Each egg carried my initials with a red lipstick
Dear Mr. X, this letter is written with my blood ink
May every words be your motivational a** kick

Too much tears have been poured for the turf to drink
How many more killings will make you react or think?
Will my own death be enough to stop turning t****?
Night and day, bow down to no men's crooked d***

To serve and protect our 99% election votes are link
Stand against the 1% who profits from eggs, with a stick
Fight to end nucleus flying over our playground rink
Stop tax payer's funds to regulate the cola we drink

Diabetes ain't the only curse making us die sick
A report on bystanders injured list is still this thick
Knowledge has placed a foot print on the moon's kink
Between legislation and illegal egg sales there's a brick

Governments must have stakes in roe market, it click
While cutting my hair over the bathroom white sink

You smell ovum smoke without a match, does it click?
Innocent children's bodies for coroners to cotton pick

Holding a cookies 'n cream ice cream cone to lick
A woman shot a dozen
 eggs in a crowd, no wink
An egg has your loved ones ID with a black lipstick
Wasn't my own blood enough for you to act or think?

-- Louis Mercier

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