On the count of three, come make my sunny day
Travel back to where my smile wasn't fragile clay
Eye for an eye wasn't a nation currency to pay
Black people's issues didn't need Oprah's "Oy vey!"
Women fear of family's judgment flew out the way
Men made world financial debt burned in the sun's ray
We never said die, to give up hope on ourselves, no way
Hand in hand united we once stood by the sunset bay
Sending childhood love text in azure bottle every day
We forgot about the menacing global warming, as we lay
Sexual healing smooth the stressful upbringing highway
Vote for the lesser evil to cure hunger, you use to say
I'll gladly vote for myself to have you in my life everyday
To make love by the sound of the pouring rain, we play
Heaven must exist in children's laughter, so they say
Be a star, conquer procrastination before the end of May
On the count of three, wave to happiness and say: "Hey!"
To dream of a pure one heart beat democracy, someday
An angle in dandelions disguise, by my side, is still M.I.A.
PS: "My name is Louis Mercier, I am running for world peace and I support this ad"
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