Vehicle with
Everlasting engine
"...I see skies of blue, and clouds of white
The bright blessed day, the dark sacred night
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom, for me and you
I see them bloom, for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world"
- Louis Armstrong
Oh God, who said black men don't cry! I am often left speechless when it comes to expressing my ferocious love affair with life. Come into my world, come closer if you dare. With enough patience, you will soon see a tear of joy forming on the corner of my eye before the end of this blog entry. I, always and forever, will be truly blessed to have walked the earth. Can I ask for anything more? In good or in hard times, I adore the ambient morning air caressing my lungs and I kiss the evening stars by my side as I dream of queens and castles. I can't ask for anything less. The greatest gift God gave me on my birth date with a huge red bow, let it be known, was my parents. I was born, through their love for each other, and I think to myself: "Oh man! What a wonderful gift".
My flame for life is so strong that I grew up nursing a fear of death. With all the hate, violence and destruction that surrounds me, I was convinced that I might not see my 100 birthday. Several trips to the doctor and being hit in a car accident in my youth, didn't help this inner phobia. Talking about anxiety, I even imagined how I was going to die, believe it or not.
"Que sera sera", the future is not ours to fear but to be lived. Lucky for me, I managed to curb those inner dreaded thoughts and will accept my faith when my name is called. Looking back, it was ludicrous for me to spend three days traveling on a bus then to book a plane ride. "Louis, you are not living if you fear death" I once told myself. "The beauty of life is found in each inhale and exhale of air, through the sound of a baby's giggles or through each beating rhythm of my own heart". Whether it's 20, 50 or 160 years of age, it doesn't matter to say: "I've lived". Life is a nano second, a moment in time long enough to capture an image that will be cherished in the afterlife". Nowadays, if my last hour came too soon via women/men's politics and stupidities, do rejoice at my funeral, because I have sealed within enough images and memories to last me for all eternity. The colors of the rainbow, so pretty in the sky are also on the faces, of people going by. I see friends shaking hands, sayin' "how do you do?" They're really sayin' "I love life too"
I've been so many places, I've seen so many things
But none quite so lovely as life
More beautiful than the Mona Lisa
Worth more than gold
And my eyes have the pleasure to behold
Life is the latest and my greatest
My latest, my greatest inspiration
Things never looked clearer, peace within never felt nearer
My burden's gone, it's turned to a song
Tender as a baby's touch, I needed to live, oh, so much
At last the load is so light
You're the latest and my greatest
My life is my latest, my greatest inspiration
I plan to give you all that I have
I'll be everything, everything you think I am
life is a joy to live
And I'm thankful, yes God, Papy, Mummy
But none quite so lovely as life
More beautiful than the Mona Lisa
Worth more than gold
And my eyes have the pleasure to behold
Life is the latest and my greatest
My latest, my greatest inspiration
Things never looked clearer, peace within never felt nearer
My burden's gone, it's turned to a song
Tender as a baby's touch, I needed to live, oh, so much
At last the load is so light
You're the latest and my greatest
My life is my latest, my greatest inspiration
I plan to give you all that I have
I'll be everything, everything you think I am
life is a joy to live
And I'm thankful, yes God, Papy, Mummy
and the whole wide world
I'm blessed just to live each day.
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