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There's a new manicured sheriff cowboy in town.
Day 10 to 18:
The days have been running right before my eyes, while resting on the sidewalk catching my breath. Since day # 9, I've been just going through the motion after landing the MiO commercial from Kraft Foods.
From the pictures above you can tell it was a pleasure and a blessing to be part of a great cast.
Remind me to send my paycheck back if you didn't smile while viewing the commercial;)
Now, time for me to get back on the horse saddle and innovate. I have people to call, places to be and more smiles to create while on vacation next week.
"The Real Champ, Mr. Derick, Lives On"
Good morning dear friends!
The key words in this glorious day is : "Never Give Up On Life, Yourself and Your Dreams : No matter how hard it gets."
You must think "Mr. Louis Mercier, It's easier said then done." Right! Therefore, how to stay motivated?
- Trick your mind on positive outlook on your progress
- Keep a visual motivating object, drawing or words very near
- Listen to motivational songs
- Utilize all of your five senses to your advantage to keep marching on
- Defuse stress with healthy living and activities
- Stay clear and control any addiction behavior
- Stay in touch with people who keeps you motivated
- Own the title: "My name is Mr. / Ms. Resilient... What is yours?
- Keep an open journal of your journey (By motivating others, you'll be motivated too)
- Sleep it off, because tomorrow is a new day to take another shot at your dreams
- Etc... (Do what works best for you without hurting yourself or others in the process)
Be sure to believe in yourself more then believing in God, didn't you know that God will "only" meet you half way in order to encourage you through the rest of your journey. How do I know this to be true? Don't waste time reading, close your eyes and ask God yourself;)
"In life, there will be raining tears, emotional distress, depression, suffering and failure. Just believe in yourself to out last any adversity, keep learning and striving. Just believe!"
You may miss the basket 300 times, don't despair and keep shooting. Rejoice that you are healthy enough and wiser to take another shot, 4001 may be your lucky break.
-- Louis Mercier
Day 7, 8 & 9:
Auditioned for a callback, took care of business, travel to be with family in order to reboot my energy, took care of additional business. As I am waiting for an answer on the commercial audition callback, I need to return phone calls, plan for next month, secure marketing rights for the Apparel business.
"Up, up, up, up... And here up we go!"
Friends of the world: "Fake it until you make it!"
Good morning dear friends! Kisses, hugs and tickles to the young and to the old.
As you awake for cartoons, breakfast, coffee, sex or if you are on your way to work, do remember to smile.
A smile is key element for a healthy soul. Even if you have to fake one, fake it until a beautiful smile emerge from deep within.
Smile at the TV, smile at the toaster, the coffee maker, smile to your husband/wife, in no time you will be able to genuinely smile at the person looking back at the mirror. Go ahead smile!
Enjoy life, walk good!
-- Louis Mercier
Day 5 & 6:
Worked, cleaned and now going to exercise.
I could have been...
I could have been at the movies, day dreaming my name in lights.
I could have been in the arms of a lover, reading my name in her heart.
I could have been surfing the endless internet with my fingers taking flight
I could have been under the sweet cover counting "To do's", my favorite part
I could have been all that, but instead I was suited for Main Street Rat Race.
-- Louis Mercier
Day 4:
Commissioned the business card design, shop for dressing shirts.
Paid bills and more bills, and it felt really good I must say;)
"In a little unknown African village, a youth will rejoice and laugh while watching the falling rain to ease away the sun's boiling temperature then stress over not having phone signal on his iPhone or BlackBerry."
In order words, count your blessings that you are able to walk a few flight of stairs. Ever since the advancement of technology you can witness a surplus of frustration, impatience, laziness, narcissism and depression in human beings. "When was the last time you took the stairs with humor in your heart after reading the sign?" :
"Elevator out of work for maintenance"
-- Louis Mercier
Day 3:
Took care of business while catching up with my "To Do list", met a friend in order to plan on our next design project, paid bills and acting union membership fee. Finally, I got robbed, the $1.50 wasn't worth the watered down hot chocolate, yack! But seeing her gorgeous smile was priceless. Man will be man ;)
Move as fast as possible, keep moving, before self doubt screams back at you by saying:
"What the hell? Who do you think you are?
What are you doing now? Have you lost your !@#$%^&* mind? You are going to fail AGAIN!"
Run, walk or crawl, but keep moving!
-- Louis Mercier
Day 2:
Auditioned, went shopping for another set of exercise gear, bought a motivational book, took care of business downtown, and then attended a workshop.
Now planning for tomorrow. So far so good!
"Learn from yesterday
plan for tomorrow,
(if) everything fails...
take a moment for yourself
pop a champagne while enjoying today."
-- Louis Mercier
Day 1:
Washed, cooked, cleaned with sweet soca music,
now heading out to buy clothes for morning exercises.
One day at a time, we are, moving forward. So far so good!
Indian Road
A bow and arrow stood tall by my side
Ever since I was three 1/2 apples high
I followed the mid-day wind as guide
Dodo the neighbor's dog as horse ride
Crayons on our faces for fears to hide
Homework, even food was out of mind
Too busy roaming the alley for the tide
Our screams drove the jealous girls wild
A child indian chief warrior 'till I die
-- Louis Mercier
Psst, over here!
If by chance you've wondered:
"What is more fulfilling, then working to the bones while earning enough vacation feathered wings to fly destination "Nowhere"?
Hush, ask me later, I might never be Prime Minister of a city park sandbox, if I told you now;)
PS: I just hope they sell postcards at destination "Nowhere".
I'll be too tired to remember anyone, anything or anywhere I've been.
1... 2... 3... "Let the good times begin!"