I, Louis Mercier, often ask myself, how does a person travels from:
Zero to insignificant
Insignificant to mediocre
Mediocre to ordinary
Ordinary to memorable
Memorable to impressive
Impressive to special
Special to unique
Unique to wonderful
Wonderful to great
Great to brilliant
brilliant to fantastic
Fantastic to amazing
Amazing to fabulous
Fabulous to magnificent
Magnificent to excellent
Excellent to outstanding
Outstanding to extraordinary
Extraordinary to shining
Shining to supreme
Supreme to phenomenal
Phenomenal to !@#$%^& awesome
!@#$%^& awesome to speechless
Speechless to breathtaking
Breathtaking to having a tear hanging from your left eye?
The answer is found in having the courage in placing a single step forward. My journey from zero to having a tear hanging from your left eye, started March 20 2008, and...
'Til I'm laid to restI, Louis Mercier, will hustle 'til my last breath
Fulfill dreams
Cherish my faith in myself, family and friends
Remain focus, disciplined
Count on my wisdom, passion and a prayer
Befriend my enemies in time management, procrastination, organization skills, etc.Rise above inner fears
Walk tall with the courage of a lion's soul
Move a crowd
Improve my health, finances, love and happiness
Seek humbleness through knowledge
Share a smile and my journey with the world
Buckle up, then, for the next three years 'til March 20 2012
All eyez on me, and my journey!